Wild at heart, was born in the forests of Muránska plain fourteen years ago. It is more than just a desire to connect with nature. It is human nature.

Even yours.

I have been working as a photographer for the last 7 years.

Despite the fact that I have tried many directions from product photography to weddings, I am most fulfilled by wandering around nature and photographing it in its various forms as it surrounds me. I photograph moments, my half-wolf and self-portraits - the connection between human and nature. I try to capture its magic, silence, peace and stillness.

It is what we come from, where we will rest forever, what creates us, what nourishes us, and I don't just mean our bodies, but our souls.

Nature is wild and beautiful.

Posledných 7 rokov pracujem ako fotografka.

Napriek tomu, že som vyskúšala mnoho smerov od produktovej fotografie až po svadby, najviac ma napĺňa túlať sa prírodou a fotiť ju v jej rôznych podobách tak, ako ma obklopuje. Fotím momenty, svojho polovlka a autoportréty - prepojenie človeka a prírody. Snažím sa zachytávať jej mágiu, ticho, pokoj a nehybnosť.

Je to to, z čoho pochádzame, kde naveky spočinieme, čo nás vytvára, čo nás živí, a nemyslím len naše telá, ale aj dušu.

Príroda je divoká a prenádherná.
